Homework #1

Due: April 4 (Thursday)

In homework #1, you have two programs to complete: InsertionSort.java and Utils.java.

Problem 1

Complete InsertionSort.java.

public class InsertionSort {

     * Sort an array xs in a non-increasing (i.e., decreasing) order
     * @param xs integer array
    public static void isort(int[] xs) {
        for (int i = 1; i < xs.length; i++) {
            insert(xs, i);

     * Insert element xs[k] to already sorted group x[0]..x[k-1]
     * @param xs integer array
     * @param k index of element to be inserted
    private static void insert(int[] xs, int k) {
            Complete code here. You must call `swap()` method.

     * Swap elements at position i and j in array xs
     * @param xs integer array
     * @param i index of element to be swapped
     * @param j index of element to be swapped
    private static void swap(int[] xs, int i, int j) {
            Complete code here.

Implementation Guidelines

Problem 2

Complete Utils.java. You have four methods to fill in.

public class Utils {

     * Find an index of an element matching `target`.
     * @param xs int array
     * @param target element to be found
     * @return index of a matching element, -1 otherwise
    public static int findIndex(int[] xs, int target) {

        return 0;

     * Calculate the sum of an array.
     * @param xs double array
     * @return sum of an array
    public static double sum(double[] xs) {

        return 0.0;

     * Reverse the elements of a String array. For example, ["A", "BB", "C"] => ["C", "BB", "A"]
     * @param xs String array
     * @return a newly created array containing elements of xs in reversed order
    public static String[] reverse(String[] xs) {

        return null;

     * Reverse the elements of a String array in place without creating a new array.
     * Input array xs itself must be transformed to an array containing elements
     * in reversed order.
     * For example, ["A", "BB", "C"] => ["C", "BB", "A"].
     * @param xs String array
    public static void reverse_in_place(String[] xs) {


     * Returns an array containing running averages of an array.
     * @param xs int array
     * @return an array containing running average
     * Given an input xs = [1, 2, 3, 4], `average()` returns a new array
     * containing running averages [1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5].
     * Here,
     *      1.0 = 1 / 1
     *      1.5 = (1 + 2) / 2
     *      2.0 = (1 + 2 + 3) / 3
     *      2.5 = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) / 4
    public static double[] average(int[] xs) {

        return null;


Implementation Guidelines

What to submit?